Software Developer.

I love to code and make projects come to life.

Tip: Click on the project names for more information. Some projects have samples - look at the bottom right hand corner.

Software Developer.

I love to code and make projects come to life.

Tip: Click on the project names for more information. Some projects have samples - look at the bottom right hand corner.

Featured in the news by the Raspberry Pi Foundation

DIY Call of Duty Warzone controller built using a nerf gun powered by the Raspberry Pi 4.

Stack: Python, Kotlin, OpenSCAD, Bash
Libraries: PyDirectInput, rpi.gpio, socket, json

Using an ESP8266 board and the Arduino CLI, I made a 3D printed fully addressable RGB LED sign that is controlled using a web app hosted on the ESP8266 board itself via my local network. The project uses some WS2812B LED strips along with resistors and other electrical components. The whole thing is powered using an old 20V laptop charger.

Stack: C++, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Libraries: ESP8266 core for Arduino, Arduino Json, FastLED, Pickr

Featured on

Inspired by the Amazon Echo, I made my own voice assistant called Karen. The project consists of the software for the voice assistant, the Karen mobile App, and a hardware project that uses 3D printing to create a device with the entire project. The functionality for the voice assistant is handled via custom addons that are made by the community and are accessible via a public API, which can be found here ( The mobile app makes it easier to install and configure those addons (, and the 3D models ( delivers the entire experience in one packaged device.

Part 1 (the software) -
Part 2 (the hardware) -
Part 3 (the mobile app) -
Part 4 (the 3D model) -

Stack: Python, React Native, openSCAD
Libraries: gTTS, googletrans, python-vlc, pyaudio, SpeechRecognition, react-native-ssh, threadlib

As a proof of concept, I made a program that encodes any file as a video and survives encoding algorithms by storing the data in a file as black and white pixels in a video. Leveraging YouTube's unlimited upload limit, I was then able to upload a video made by Fvid to YouTube and essentially use YouTube as an unlimited cloud storage solution. Since uploading the program to Github, the project has gained some traction and contribution from the open-source community.

Stack: Python
Libraries: ffmpeg, bitstring, Pillow,

Flix is a media manager written with modern web technologies that uses The Movie Database API for media information.

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Libraries: React, React Router, Bootstrap
API: The Movie Database

Never miss a good deal again - Raker automates searches for local markets (Offerup, Letgo, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist) and notifies you as soon as it finds deals via Email and SMS!

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
Frameworks: Django
Libraries: Selenium, Bootstrap
Other: Cron, Apache, UFW, Linux

Sellphone is a web app that I made that allows people to sell their used phones. It is an on-demand pickup service covering Los Angeles County, Orange County, and the Inland Empire. It was created as a way for me to learn both the making of a full-fledged website with both a fronted and backend system as well as a way for me to learn more about how a business handles customer service as well as expansion. During active periods, the Sellphone web app handles over 2,000 customers per month.

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
Frameworks: Django
Libraries: Bootstrap
Graphics: Inkscape
API: Unsplash
Other: Linux Font Awesome

This website was my first attempt at self taught website creation and web design. It was created after taking an environmental science class where the professor told us that there was not much we could do as individuals on a large scale regarding world problems. I took this to heart and thought, "Why not?". So I made this website that was a way for people to promote their YouTube Channels modeled after - an old website that really highlights the advertising power of the internet. The intention was to give away profits at the end of the month to a different charity.

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
Frameworks: Django
Libraries: Bootstrap
Graphics: GIMP
API: Stripe
Other: Linux

Romordium is a facebook messenger bot that I made as a sample restaurant bot. It was made as a way to allow it's users to see many aspects of a mock restaurant such as its opening hours, menu, store locations, and general restaurant information.

Stack: Python
Frameworks: Flask
API: Facebook Messenger
Other: Heroku

Data Grabber is a tool I developed as freelance work for All Green Recycling while trying to gain more experience working in my filed as a professional. The tool is intended as a way to quickly grab hardware information from a variety of computers with the help of the Linux kernel. The program runs from a persistent live Linux Mint installation on a usb drive, which was also configured by me. The operating system is also configured for the automatic connection of wireless networks made to work on an array of wireless cards.

Stack: Python, Bash
Libraries: terminaltables, mysql-connector-python, python-ElementTree
Others: Linux

An open source modular note taking platform that I created after frustration of not being able to find any native Linux applications that fit my needs when taking notes for class rapidly and effectively. It is catered to power users and individuals alike.

Stack: Java, JavaScript, Bash
Libraries: PrismJS, Markdown4j, ControlsFX
API: DropBox
Others: PhantomJS, Linux